ROLLING OPERATIONS In metalworking, rolling is a metal forming process in which metal stock is passed through one or more pairs of rolls to reduce the thickness, to make the thickness uniform, and/or to impart a desired mechanical property. The concept is similar to the rolling of dough. Rolling is classified according…
Leslie Enos
updated on 22 Mar 2021
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Read more Projects by Leslie Enos (48)
week-11 Joint creation and Demonstration
OBJECTIVEThe objective for this project is to demonstrate the creation of joints in Ls Dyna. The following joints will be created with deformed and rigid bodies.Revolute Spherical CylindricalTranslationalPROCEDURERevolute (rigid body)The shell body 1 & 2 is created using shape mesher (4N shell entity). Body…
04 Jun 2024 09:50 AM IST
Hyperelastic Material Models
LS DYNA – Material_Modelling_Hyperelastic By Enos Leslie Mechanical Engineer 8th April 2023 AIM Model a hyperelastic material by comparing data to stress/strain experimental curve data. The rubber models from Ls Dyna Deck considered are: Mooney Rivlin Constant (MAT_077, N = 1) Ogden Rubber Constants…
10 Apr 2023 08:45 AM IST
Week - 8 Mass Scaling
INTRODUCTION One of the methods used in the industry to reduce the run time of an explicit FEM analysis is a technique called “Mass scaling”. The run time of a FE simulation is mainly a function of the model size (the number of degrees of freedom) and the size of the solution step and the bigger the…
26 Jan 2022 02:16 PM IST
Week - 9 Material Modeling from Raw Data
LS DYNA – Material_Modelling_From_RawData By Enos Leslie Mechanical Engineer 18th January 2022 Question: Use the diagram of the true stress-strain curve of graphite iron casting. Two curves are there for different material structures. Students need to pick any one of them and use the data to create either…
19 Jan 2022 02:37 PM IST
Week-7 Head Impact
Crush_Head_Impact_Test By Enos Leslie Mechanical Engineer 13th October, 2021 Pedestrain Head Impact Pedestrian protection CAE is a part of vehicle safety engineering from a crash perspective. In pedestrian protection, we look for imparting minimum injury to head, upper leg (thigh), and lower leg (including…
15 Oct 2021 09:28 AM IST
Week-6 Calculate the Stretch Ratio by comparing the ELFORM (-2,-1,1,2) with Ogden_Material Model.
LS DYNA – Ogden Material Modeling By Enos Leslie Mechanical Engineer 28th August 2021 OBJECTIVE: Model a tensile test in the implicit deck with material Ogden and compare with the graph below. The Elform (1,-1, 2,-2) is varied and compared to the curve. TASK: An excel sheet with proper conversion and calculation…
30 Aug 2021 02:35 PM IST
LS-DYNA - Modelling Spotwelds
LS DYNA – Modelling_Spotwelds By Enos Leslie Mechanical Engineer 3rd August 2021 QUESTION In this assignment, you will model spotwelds for the given assembly of parts and run a crash test similar to the one in assignment 4. Details about spotweld location is in the image below. The yellow line signifies…
12 Aug 2021 11:29 AM IST
Design & Analysis Of A Composite Pallet
ASTRACT In this project, a composite pallet is designed to replace the common steel pallet of a cement machine in order to enhance ease of translation of the blocks on the production line. The material is chosen using general performance index and the bending of the plate is analyzed using Ansys and Matlab. Theoretical…
13 Jun 2021 02:32 PM IST
Week - 3 Drop test Challenge
LS DYNA – Phone_Drop_Analysis By Enos Leslie Mechanical Engineer 29th March 2021 Question: In this assignment, we provide you with a file having just nodes and elements of two parts, a simplified cellphone, and a plate mimicking ground. You need to create a complete simulation file from this to perform a drop test. *INITIAL_VELOCITY…
30 Mar 2021 03:39 PM IST
(ANSYS_P15) Machining with Planer Challenge
OBJECTIVE:Perform a Explicit dynamics analysis on machining planar model assembly in ANSYS Workbench. The Cutter is assigned a material of structural steel with a rigid stiffness. The workpiece is assigned an explicit material of steel 1060 with a flexible stiffness. TASK I would have to perform an explicit dynamics…
22 Mar 2021 08:14 PM IST
(ANSYS_P14) - Universal Joint
OBJECTIVE:Transient structural simulation of a univeral joint mechanisim model in ANSYS Workbench. TASK For this challenge, I will have to perform a transient structural analysis on a double universal joint with a spring using three different materials: Structural Steel, Stainless Steel and Titanium…
22 Mar 2021 08:13 PM IST
(ANSYS_P13)-Long Piston With Cam
OBJECTIVE:Simulating the frictional effect of a piston and cam mechanisim model in ANSYS Workbench. TASK For this challenge, you will have to perform a transient analysis on a piston and cam mechanism model that has been provided to you. You need to run the analysis with Frictionless contact, Frictional with 0.1…
22 Mar 2021 08:12 PM IST
(ANSYS_P12) Bending of iPhone
INTRODUCTION Safety factor (SF), which is also known as factor of safety (FoS), is a term describing the load carrying capability of a product beyond the actual load. In other words, SF indicates how much stronger the product is than it usually needs to be for intended loading conditions. Almost all products should deliberately…
22 Mar 2021 08:12 PM IST
(ANSYS_P11)Worm Gear Challenge
OBJECTIVE:Perform a Transient structural analysis on a worm gear assembly in ANSYS Workbench. The model above is halfed with spaceclaim in order to reduce the computational power to solve the problem. TASK Perform a transient structural analysis on a worm gear assembly. For the challenge, I have to rotate the worm…
22 Mar 2021 08:02 PM IST
(ANSYS_P9) Sphere pressing on a plate
OBJECTIVE: To perform an analysis to simulate the non-linear plastic deformation of a plate pressed by a sphere. The image above is the geometry.This geometry has been divided on two sides to reduce computational time of the simulation.Symmetry is going to be applied to this simulation. MATERIAL AND THEIR PROPERTIES…
22 Mar 2021 08:02 PM IST
(ANSYS_P8) -Wire Bending Challenge
OBJECTIVE: To perform an analysis to simulate the bending of a wire in ANSYS. ANALYSIS An analysis is done on a bending wire by varying three different wire materials and analysing them based on their equivalent strain and stresses. MATERIAL AND THEIR PROPERTIES Stainless Steel-(Wheels) Density: 7850…
22 Mar 2021 08:01 PM IST
(ANSYS_P7)- Rolling operation
ROLLING OPERATIONS In metalworking, rolling is a metal forming process in which metal stock is passed through one or more pairs of rolls to reduce the thickness, to make the thickness uniform, and/or to impart a desired mechanical property. The concept is similar to the rolling of dough. Rolling is classified according…
22 Mar 2021 07:59 PM IST
(ANSYS_P6) Verification of Weld Joints
WELD JOINT VERIFICATION INTRODUCTION A welding joint is a point or edge where two or more pieces of metal or plastic are joined together. They are formed by welding two or more workpieces (metal or plastic) according to a particular geometry. There are five types of joints referred to by the American Welding Society:…
22 Mar 2021 07:58 PM IST
(ANSYS_P5) Sheet metal Bending challenge
OBJECTIVE:Sheet metal bending is to be performed for 3 different materials mentioned below. Variation of certain settings is also to be performed and analysed. TASK Run the analysis for the material : Case 1:Aluminium Alloy 1199( mentioned in the course video),Copper Alloy NL and Magnesium Alloy NL. Find out the Equivalent…
22 Mar 2021 07:57 PM IST
(ANSYS_P4) Railwheel and Track
OBJECTIVE: Performing a static analysis on railwheel and track analysis MODEL ANALYSIS Case 1: Multiply the bearing load by 5 times and compare the results with the load of 100000 N (As done in week 2 video). Compare the Total Deformation, Equivalent stress and the life under both the loads Case 2: Implement…
22 Mar 2021 07:56 PM IST
(ANSYS_P_3) Simulation Analysis (ANSYS)
AIM : Perform an analysis on three different materials to determine the best materials for the application OBJECTIVE : Case 1: Using Cast Iron(ductile) as a material, carry out a static structural analysis to find out Equivalent stress, Total deformation…
22 Mar 2021 07:55 PM IST
(ANSYS_P2) Bevel Gear Challenge
OBJECTIVE: Grid dependency test for a bevel gear with different mesh sizes. INTRODUCTION Grid dependency testing involves a method used in simulation analysis whereby analysis is done to determine the best possible mesh parameter which produces results closest to the actual solution. This is done by starting the simulation…
22 Mar 2021 07:54 PM IST
(ANSYS_P10) _Car Crash simulation
OBJECTIVE:Perform a Explicit dynamics analysis of a wall crushing a car body in ANSYS Workbench. TASK For this challenge, I would have to perform a parametric study using 3 different values of thickness for the car body. Analyse the total deformation and Equivalent stresses acting on the model. CONNECTIONS No contacts…
22 Mar 2021 07:52 PM IST
- Consistency of Units
INTRODUCTION Different industries use different system of units as per their convenience. The units for the basic measurement quantities, mass distance and time - dictate how the other derived quantities will be expressed. For example, automotive industries use kg,mm,ms as their standard unit system. Construction industries…
22 Mar 2021 07:50 PM IST
- Explicit and Implicit Analysis LS-DYNA
Nonlinear Static - Explicit and Implicit Analysis By Enos Leslie Mechanical Engineer 22nd March 2021 Introduction solved by incremental load scheme. The example as presented is certainly contrived. The Problem Consider the case of a simple bar in tension as shown in Figure 1. Suppose that the force…
22 Mar 2021 07:49 PM IST
Week 10 Bullet penetrating a Bucket Challenge
OBJECTIVE:Perform a Explicit dynamics analysis of a bullet penetrating into a bucket in ANSYS Workbench. The bullet is assigned a material of tantalum with a rigid stiffness. The bucket is assigned with three different material non linear materials TASK For this challenge, i would simulate a bullet penetrating into a bucket.…
02 Mar 2021 08:30 PM IST
Week 9 Tension and Torsion test challenge
OBJECTIVE:Perform a Explicit dynamics analysis on metal bar to illustrate tension and torsion in ANSYS Workbench. TASK For this challenge, I would have to perform the tension and torsion test on the specimen For the tension test, one end of the specimen is displaced to 18mm while keeping the other fixed. I would…
02 Mar 2021 01:53 PM IST
AIM : Succesfully mesh the provided intrumental Panel (IP) using Ansa Components Single IP component PROCEDURE Geometry cleanup Extracton of midsurface Meshing of all components Checking quality Assigning thickness Conclusion GEOMETRY CLEANUP When the geometry is first opened in Ansa, it can be seen as…
24 Dec 2020 02:09 PM IST
OBJECTIVE : Meshing and assigning neccessory connecttions to a vehicle rear suspension PROCEDURE Importing of the model into Ansa Making geometry checks and assigning PID's to each component Generating volume mesh on geometries with large thickness Generating midsurface and mesh for parts with uniform and small thickness…
24 Dec 2020 02:07 PM IST
OBJECTIVE: REAR-DOOR CONNECTION FOR CAR USING ANSA PREPROCESSOR PROCEDURE : Importing of the model Assigning PID's and analysing model Assign connections for door model IMPORT OF MODEL The model is imported into the ansa GUI. ASSIGNING PID'S In order to establish elemental connections on the model,…
07 Dec 2020 11:06 AM IST
AIM : Succesfully mesh the provided rearview mirror using Ansa Components Single plastic bottle cap PROCEDURE Geometry cleanup Meshing of all components Checking quality Conclusion GEOMETRY CLEANUP When the geometry is first opened in Ansa, it can be seen as a single entity from the image below The whole…
23 Nov 2020 10:50 AM IST
TITLE : SIMULATION OF A FRONTAL CRUSH OF A DODGE NEON BIW AIM : Simulate the frontal crush of the dodge neon on a rigid wall and to post proccess the forces generated or transfer through specific cross-sectional areas of the car using Hypermesh (Radioss) and Hypercrush. INTRODUCTION A crash test is a form…
18 Nov 2020 10:36 AM IST
AIM : Succesfully mesh the provided plastic bottle cap using Ansa Components Single plastic bottle cap PROCEDURE Geometry cleanup Extracton of midsurface Meshing of all components Checking quality Assigning thickness Conclusion GEOMETRY CLEANUP When the geometry is first opened in Ansa, it can be seen…
18 Nov 2020 10:35 AM IST
AIM : Succesfully mesh the provided hood of a car using Ansa Components Outer panel Inner panel Left & Right Hinge Latch PROCEDURE Geometry cleanup Extracton of midsurface Meshing of all components Checking quality Assigning thickness Conclusion GEOMETRY CLEANUP When the geometry is first…
05 Nov 2020 02:10 PM IST
AIM : The aim of this experiment is to determine the roof-crush resistance to an impactor by plotting the force vs displacement graph and comparing to the FMVSS 216 standard requirement. Roof crush is the failure and displacement of an automobile roof into the passenger compartment during a rollover accident.…
16 Oct 2020 10:46 PM IST
TITLE : SIMULATION OF A SIDE CRUSH OF A DODGE NEON BIW AIM : Simulate the frontal crush of the dodge neon on a rigid wall and to post proccess the forces generated or transfer through specific cross-sectional areas of the car using Hypermesh (Radioss) and Hypercrush. A crash test is a form of destructive…
09 Oct 2020 09:05 AM IST
Compare the results and effect of applying different contact interface types to a crush tube model in Hype crush
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this model is to compare the results and effect of applying different contact interface types to a crush tube model. TASK : Create the mesh for bumper assembly,mesh size should be 6mm. Run the crash tube model as it is. Change the Inacti=6 and run. Create…
28 Sep 2020 09:17 PM IST
OBJECTIVE: It is very important to define properly the plasticity of material and failure accurately when modeling FEA. This project involves the experimental analysis and comparison of certain material laws and failure to analyse their differences and how accurate their failure and results are in terms of certain…
10 Sep 2020 01:11 PM IST
OBJECTIVE : The aim is to compare the base simulation results of a crush beam on a rigid wall with a simulation with a modified shell properties. MODEL : The model beam is connected with a base rail via springs and spot weld. A mass is atttached to the right end of the beam on a rigid link which rovides the force needed…
03 Sep 2020 05:11 PM IST
2D Meshing Of Metal Components
OBJECTIVE : Mesh the given components and perform mesh quality checks Follow the Quality Criteria and mesh the following component and assign thickness: Target Element Length = 5mm Carry out the geometry cleanup operation on the given 3 files. Practice Clip Repair Mounting Bracket There should not be any free…
20 Aug 2020 11:36 AM IST
Mesh the plastic side-door component of a car and perform mesh quality checks
OBJECTIVE : Mesh the plastic side-door component of a car and perform mesh quality checks Follow the Quality Criteria and mesh the following component and assign thickness: Target Element Length = 4mm S.N Quality Criteria Value 1 Aspect Ratio 5 2 Skewness 45 3 Warping 15 4 Taper 0.5…
29 Jul 2020 10:45 AM IST
Creating Connectors On A Given Metal-Sheet with Hypermesh
TASK: Create connector and Attach the various parts of the given model 1. Right_Rail_2 & Front_truss_1:- Seam-Quad(angled+capped+L) 2. Left_Rail_2 & Front_truss_1:- Quad elements 3. Front_truss_2, Front_truss_1 & Right_Rail_1:- Spot weld with 3 Layers and 5…
11 Jul 2020 01:11 PM IST
3D Meshing Of Components
OBJECTIVE: Create 3D mesh on the given models with required quality parameters MODELS: The models given in this task can be seen below Housing Component 2. Chassis Component 3. Tetmesh Component PROCEDURE: IMPORT MODELS IN HYPERMESH GEOMETRY CLEANUP GENERATING 3D MESH CORRECTING MESH…
29 Jun 2020 04:57 PM IST
Meshing a back door component of a car using hyper-mesh (Optistruct) in order to facilitate durability analysis on the component
OBJECTIVE : The aim of this tool test is to mesh a back door component of a car using hypermesh(Optistruct) in order to facilitate durability analysis on the component Element quality criteria : S.N Quality Criteria Value 1 Target Element Length 5 2 Aspect Ratio 3 3 Skewness 45…
20 Jun 2020 11:15 AM IST
Meshing of Hood according to given quality criteria using Hyper-mesh for Durability Testing
Objective: Meshing of Hood according to given quality criteria using Hypermesh for Durability Testing. Procedure: Import the given CAD model Extract the midsurface for each component Clean up the model using where necessory Assign the given quality criteria Created a material and assigned property to each component Meshing…
25 May 2020 08:49 AM IST
Design Of A Chevrolet Camaro 2010 (Independent Project)
AIM: Design, assemble and render a Chevrolet Camaro 2010 PARTS TO BE MODELLED Surface Model The Body Design Wheels Design The Interiors Design The Steering Wheel Design Of Seat Surface Model Of The Body This is the main reference body of the whole design .Below are some commands that where used for…
25 May 2020 06:19 AM IST
Modelling The Sun Seeker Yatch
Aim : Design,assemble and render the sunseeker yatch AKNOWLEGEMENT : I have been able to do this only by the guidance of the well structured tutorials and 24/7 hourly support from my instructor Mr. Bharhrat Kumar R. Thank you. Parts Modelled Radar Propeller Hull Superstructure Radar Mask Rear Seat Middle Seat …
17 Apr 2020 10:52 AM IST
Design Of An American Chopper
AKNOWLEGEMENT : This project is the very first of many projects i would take with the help of Skill-Lync. I have been able to do this only by the guidance of the well structured tutorials and 24/7 hourly support from my instructor Mr. Bharhrat Kumar R. Thank you. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this…
16 Apr 2020 03:36 PM IST